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Trek Uses Multi-Material 3D Printing

Using the Connex printer, Trek engineers are able to create a streamlined product as efficiently as possible. The Connex printer allows for the use of multi material printing to allow for a wide variation of products to be made in a short time span. Within a single day engineers are able to design and test prototypes to determine if any alterations need to be made. Learn more:

Trek Uses Multi-Material 3D Printing
Using the Connex printer, Trek engineers are able to create a streamlined product as efficiently as possible.

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See how multi-material 3D printing combines colors and materials in a single print operation, eliminating assembly and post-processing, to streamline the product development process. Learn more:

Using the Connex printer, Trek engineers are able to create a streamlined product as efficiently as possible. The Connex printer allows for the use of multi material printing to allow for a wide variation of products to be made in a short time span. Within a single day engineers are able to design and test prototypes to determine if any alterations need to be made. Learn more:

pj models 136 color rings  2

In this whitepaper, you'll learn everything you need to know about the Connex3 and how companies use those features to optimize realistic prototyping.